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Tag Archives: Gears of War

Good morning internets! Today is Thursday. It is a good day. Not in so much as my experiences of the day so far, but it is on the end-of-the-week spectrum of the scale with the next day being Friday. Also, on Thursdays I get to read the new what-if! You’ll catch me there every week, reading the new post. If you’re also inclined, check out the comic as well, it’s great stuff. Come Monday (oh, how I hate thee), my tiny bright light amongst the dirty, filthy, drawn-out experience that is the start of the work week is great little website that indulges my love of expletives and all things balls-out awesome! There have been some truly amazing things posted on there that have stopped me and made me go ‘wow’. Add it to your viewing repertoire right away, I highly recommend them both!

That said, what else have I been up to…well, not much really. WoW has been so-so this week, probably compensating for my ludicrously lucky week last week done it again (I wrote this in the morning before going to lunch, where I ended up going home instead). This week I finally managed to get the mount from Magister’s Terrace! Woo! I did manage to finally download and dabble in Hearthstone, the WoW themed card game that is beautifully done and utterly addictive. After some trial and error and agro and a little bit of training from some good friends, I managed to claw my way to rank 20 (to put that into perspective, everyone starts the season [read: month] at rank 25 and needs 2 wins to rank up, 25>24>23>etc). Once you get to rank 20 in a season, you unlock the exclusive card back of that season (awarded at the end of the month). I am quite exuberant that I got my last 3 wins needed all in a row after thoroughly winning – not the usual win via opponent afk or d/c or forfeit wave that I was riding atop of previously. >.>     Of course, getting any 3 wins in Hearthstone also unlocks the Hearthsteed mount in WoW, so there may have been a small influence there, who knows for sure…

As for the rest of me, I am now 4 weeks into this new diet/exercise regime thingy that I’m doing. Seems to be going alright so far. 4 down, 8 to go! The diet is the easiest part (the hardest of which is just not easy as much sugary crap as I used to and just saying NO!), with the actual exercise and being motivated to do it being harder. Although, after doing it continuously for 4 weeks, it has become a bit easier to do it when I get home after work, brain rewiring and all that psychological crap. I have lost weight and I have built up muscles (with does mess around with the whole weight loss/gain thing, but I am getting accustomed to that now). Oh, say the movie Lucy last weekend, it was a great watch, and I really liked it. Go see it, because reasons! As a side note, this whole week had practically been raining non-stop, with only today it has been stop/start. Gotta say, I’m liking it, not only because my garden gets a great water, but I get to have lunch in my car, rain falling on the roof and some light music on the radio, reading my kindle. Good times. Oh, what else? that’s right, on Tuesday night I jumped into some old school Gears of War 3 and played some Horde online. Good times. Doesn’t help that my shitty Aussie connection means I pretty much am 2 seconds behind everything, but hey, it was still fun and that’s what counts. Leveled a couple fortifications up, got a bunch of medals and killed a Brumack. All in all a great session. Yay for Retro Lancer bayonet charge!  >: D


Until next time internets!     : )

Well, here I am at work, typing this up, thinking about how to phrase this. Ahh, this sums it up perfectly.  This well written article says it all. But look, really, the ending aside, the rest of the game was pretty damn good, definitely worthy of a trilogy ender (cept the ending itself of course >.< ). The only other gripe I have is the cover system. It’s pretty much exactly like the Gears of War 3 system, A to roadie run A to get in cover, A to go over cover, A to roll  and just like GoW if you try to roadie run near cover sometimes it’ll just snap to go in cover or if you try to roll it’ll stick to cover and refuse to leave it. Infuriating, especially in multiplayer when you’re trying to evade a charging brute and you get killed because the cover system though you wanted to stick to the wall rather than roll to the side. But other than that, it’s a solid game and really enjoyable.

As for the multiplayer, well, let’s just say who doesn’t want to play as a krogan solider charging an enemy with a shotgun or a cheeky salarian engineer stealing shields and incinerating his foes? Weapons and mods that are unlocked are useable by all classes and characters and credits are also pooled. As it has been mentioned elsewhere, it is better if you play with your friends as it pretty much plays like GoW Horde mode, but instead of building fortifications every round, you build up your character and arsenal over time.

In conclusion, it’s good, go play it, have fun.     : )