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Tag Archives: Movies

In other news, Thursday night was one of the most productive nights I’ve had in WoW for some time. And by productive, I don’t mean I got heaps of crap done (which I did, but the point is moot), I mean I got a few things checked off my checklist of things to do. I got not one, not two, but three (technically four, as I got more shards for my axe) awesome things happen in the one night! So, I got the penultimate gun xmog, sorry, transmogrification, for my hunter, finally got my Eye of Ragnaros to make my Sulfuras AND I managed to get even luckier and have the Azure Drake drop from Malygos. All those raids run have finally paid off! That said, I’m still working on my Thunderfury (damn you Baron and your Right Bindings! *fist shake*) and a few other mount drops from raids and dungeons.

But anyway, enough about that. Today is Friday and it could not have come any quicker (well, it could have, but that’s neither here nor there). Weekend here I come! Saturday is going to be busy as all hell with Sunday looking to be one of those cliché relax and do nothing Sundays. Hopefully at some point we’ll be able to squeeze in the movies and see one of the new ones we have yet to watch. Hercules [read: Heracles, damn westernisation] and Lucy are the two left on my current list, so maybe I’ll flip a coin. Did manage to see Guardians of the Galaxy last week, and yes, it does live up to the hype surrounding it. Two things, actually seeing Thanos proper in this film elicited a little squeal of excitement from me and [spoilers] seeing Harold the Duck in one of Marvel’s ‘post-credits-extra-scene’ scenes was pretty them taking the piss, but hey, it was funny. Besides, not every Marvel film has to have a serious post-credit-scene. Sometimes a nice light-hearted one is good. Like schwarma for example.

Anyhoo, I won’t take up any more of your valuable Friday time, I just hope the day passes as quickly for you and me both so we can all go home and relax.

Have a good weekend, internets.
